Monday, September 10, 2007

Baby care

The diet for babies is very important. Dont mix different types of food or fruits to give to our babies. Give buttermilk instead of curd. Wheat gives health and it gives strength to our bones and teeth. As s/he grows we can give chappathi/wheat rice etc.

After sunset dont give more food...

Its good to give home made food instead of tin food. Try to give water in the glass so that s/he will be familiar to use the glass instead of bottle in the future.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I can give lots of simple tips of child caring and home remedies for young mothers.

For all the children breast feeding is important. After 5-6 months you can introduce all types of fruits & vegetables, dal to our little ones, but one by one. Give hot& fresh food for them. Use small spoon to feed them. Add very little sugar & salt. Give them food as soon as they get up from sleep or when they are playing. It is best to give soups of vegetables.

Todays Tip: Give 1/2 tsp pure ghee with hot rice in the after noon will increase the intelligence.